Monday, September 26, 2011


Here are some poems I've written recently...I hope you enjoy them:

The Skin On My Side

The skin on my side
Is soft like newborn flesh,
And quiet as the new snow,
Lost in the woods.

It feels the air move across it
Playfully, each atom touching down
For an instant, and then
Laughing away.

It feels the sun lay
Mothering hands upon it,
And wonders at her warm touch
As she smiles gently on.

The Gathering Storm

This music sounds like love;
Like the soft tide rising green to our necks,
And the yearning, which you expect will soon diminish;
It sounds like the unfurling of serenity,
And the black discord.

I hear our dread of what comes next,
As we turn our windblown faces to the future,
Your eyes lit despite the gathering storm. 


Here I am, light and fun;
Does my hair look okay?
I don't trust your judgment --
I heard someone shout my name.
Did you make a decision yet?
I think I could get a thought,
Or a spot in a stranger's fantasy;
What am I offering?
A night like cotton candy.

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